Centre Overview
The Seabrook McKenzie Centre was established over 30 years ago by Dr Jean Seabrook, under the patronage of Sir Roy McKenzie. The Centre operates as a Charitable Trust, operating solely on the donations of supporters without government funding. The Trust is unique for New Zealand and offers a wide variety of innovative services for children and their families, as well as young people and adults.
Our aim is to assist people with Specific Learning Disabilities through the direct provision of professional services, such as:
Referral services
Specialised tuition
We also aim to foster community awareness of Specific Learning Disabilities through training programmes, research and community education.
The overriding aim for all services offered through Seabrook McKenzie is to help the student (whether a child or an adult) to realise their potential and lead a fulfilling and productive life.
What is a Specific Learning Disability?
A SLD is defined as a neurological dysfunction affecting processing of information and interfering with the optimal development of a person, when the difficulties are not caused primarily by visual, hearing or motor impairment, intellectual disability, emotional disturbance, environmental, economic, or cultural circumstances.
Specific learning Disabilities include dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.
We are a Health and Disability service.
Vision Statement:
A world where those with learning difficulties experience success.
he ao e angitu ai te hunga e uaua ana te ako
Mission Statement:
To support the education, employment, social development, legal rights and quality of life of people with Specific Learning Disabilities.
Statement of Intent
Acknowledge the uniqueness of individuals and celebrate our differences.
Foster a sense of belonging as well as facilitating mastery, leading to independence.
Treat everyone with good manners, respect and common courtesy.
Ma te whiritahi, ka whakatutuki ai nga pumanawa a tangata.
Weaving together the realisation of potential
Our results
The Seabrook McKenzie Centre has often been described as the missing jigsaw piece for children and families who have unsuccessfully sought help elsewhere - knowing there was something not quite right.
The staff of the Centre work collaboratively and proactively with the whole family.

“When I came to Seabrook I could only spell two words and had little hope of succeeding in the mainstream education system. I learnt that although my dyslexia made both reading and writing a struggle, it was only a disadvantage if I made it into one. I learnt that these drawbacks are manageable and the creative flair that accompanies dyslexia has the potential to turn it into an advantage if you believe in yourself.
I have recently completed a double degree in Arts and Law at Canterbury University and am about to start work as a Solicitor. These achievements would not have been possible without your help. Thank you for making all of this possible.”