Workshops for teachers

We have experienced and well-qualified lecturers available to conduct workshops for adults.
To express interest
Please email Please include your requirements (venue, date, time duration, number likely to attend) and request a quote.
The fee is approximately $250 + GST per hour for up to 10 attendees. Extra attendees are $10 + GST per hour.
If travel from the Centre is greater than 50 km return, the excess is charged out at the current IRD Tier 1 travel rate.
Any workshops are by mutual agreement. The length and topics can vary according to your interests. Here are some examples:
Example workshops:
Introduction to Specific Learning Difficulties (One hour)
Includes a definition and description of an SLD. The presenter then shares an information sheet "Who is this Child?" with identifiers and indicators in the way children present with an SLD, to help attendees recognise them. The workshop is interspersed with interactive activities for the course members to participate in and experience a SLD, and how it impacts a learner and their performance. In other words, they get the experience 'Walking a Mile in the shoes of an SLD child.'
What are the Specific Learning Difficulties? (Two hours)
Covers definitions, associated conditions, (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia etc) and how these present in school and daily life.
SLD Teaching Strategies for Teachers (Approximately 4 hours/half day)
This workshop includes understanding students and ways to accommodate and assist in the classroom. How the student presents emotionally and socially as well as a learner. Ways to assist the learner. Teaching strategies aligning with 'The NZ Dylsexia Handbook' (Nicholson and Dymock).
Information processing and perception (One and a half hours)
Includes what is information processing? The role of perception. Various aspects of perception, their role in learning and activities to improve difficulties in these areas.