Useful Links For Adults and Teachers
Look at the Learning Support options on the home page of Te Kete Ipurangi
Responding to Individual Needs gives a detailed description to identify and meet your student’s special literacy needs.
The Myth of the Average explains why it is necessary to plan for a variety of learners.​​​​​​​​​
Special Assessment Conditions from NZQA covers everything you need to know about using special assessment conditions.
Great starts for regular teachers: (both were sent free to schools early 2020)
The New Zealand Dyslexia Handbook Tom Nicholson and Susan Dymock. NZCER Press 2015
About Dyslexia: Supporting literacy in the classroom. MOE Wellington 2020.
Dyscalculia – a good explanation of how the brain counts.
The Sounds of New Zealand English. Watch the video that demonstrates NZ sounds! A video from clearly demonstrates the 44 phonemes.
Breakfast show television interview with John Campbell: ‘How can our literacy learning improve?’ interview with Lifting Literacy chairperson Alice Wilson and Kaiapoi Primary School principal Jason Miles. 3 August 2021.
Tips for reading if you are an adult with dyslexia.
An article from the International Dyslexia Association: Structured Literacy: Effective Instruction for Students with Dyslexia and Related Reading Difficulties.
A study looking at the factors believed to influence Maori student literacy learning: Smallbone, Catherine. SpLD- Silent Learning Difficulties? Factors influencing literacy learning of Maori students, as identified by teachers, SENCo, and parents. A thesis submitted to Victoria University, Wellington, 2019. The study investigates the possibility of SpLD being overlooked in favour of socio-cultural understandings of low literacy achievement among Maori students.
Dyslexia: Beautiful Minds – a film by Square Pegs tells the real stories of real people (adults, teenagers and children) with dyslexia.
Choosing a reading program for schools. Why you need cumulative, instructive, sequential phonics. Another excellent video from Bill Hansbury, Education Consultant, Australia.
Inside a dyslexia evaluation. What types of tests are in a dyslexia evaluation? How is dyslexia diagnosed? Get an inside look as Matthew M. Cruger, PhD, a clinical psychologist and senior director of the Learning and Development Center at the Child Mind Institute, evaluates a child for learning and thinking.
The best way to support children with specific learning difficulties: dyslexia and dysgraphia.
Bill Hansbury gives an excellent description of teaching Third Wave students in a school. – especially older students.
Explicit handwriting lessons are essential daily to improve literacy. Michael Johnston discusses improving our children’s reading and writing with Belinda Blick and Dr Helen Walls.
Seven hidden traits of adult dyslexia.
Watch “Bill’s Rant on Dyslexia and Reading Programs” and “Dyslexia is a language-based disorder. It’s a problem getting to the sounds in words. Dyslexia is not a visual problem”